Friday, January 28, 2005

Culinary Commentary

Last night I did a “lamb” shank (isn’t it really mutton?) sort of winging it, and did things like poking slits in it and stuffing garlic cloves therein, and surrounding the shank with onions in the baking dish, and when it was in the oven THEN I pulled out a cookbook and looked in the lamb area -- well, how about that -- they suggest doing the things I was doing. I must be getting the hang of cooking.

So I guess what I wanna say (in case anyone ever reads this) is that what I’ve been doing is not measuring anything, or consulting recipes, but instead going with the vibes -- letting the right brain rule, I guess. And it’s working. I’m actually getting good at it. Call this “cooking on the right side of the brain”.

Some years ago I had a cookbook by a lady named Verta Mae entitled “Vibration Cooking”. I got the book after hearing her on a radio program, or possibly seeing her on TV but we historically have been voluntarily deprived of television for lo, these many years. The main thing I remember from the book is the line “If you don’t make a mess in the kitchen, you probably ain’t makin’ nothin’ fit to eat!”

Chocoloholics Anonymous

I need a meeting. I gotta have some chocolate.I hope somebody comes over with a six pack to talk me out of it.

One day long ago (had to be about 1976) I was in a conversation with some people, a brother and sister appropriately with the family name of Sweet, and the sister was speaking up for chocolate, as I was. She asked me “Hey, did you ever drink Hershey’s syrup straight out of the can in one hand and a beer in the other?” So of course I said “of course”, and she said to her brother “see, I’m not the only one in the world” ... but are we the only two?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Fried Rice

One of the Republican Senators had the audacity to warn his colleagues that it was a bad idea to be knocking the Rice cuz it might damage her credibility in the eyes of various governments around the world. As if she had any! Everybody in the friggin’ world know she’s a liar, even Tony Blair (though he pretends otherwise).

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

About that chimp story

BBC News story about chimps

Back from the Shadows Again

This is actually my first blogation of the year, I think. Or is it? I might have been writing about writing recently. But I don’t know which bit bucket I put it in.

BBC News item today: Chimps have a sense of fair play. Too bad The Smirking Chimp in Washington missed out on that. Shallow end of the gene pool. Hail To The Chimp. Gak!

In other news, The Smirking Chimp’s littermate Condi was confirmed as Secretary of the Sinking Ship of State. The Dishonorable Bill Frist spewed thus:
         "Outlaw regimes must be confronted.“
                (Yeah, right. We have met the enemy and he is us.)
        ”Dangerous weapons proliferation must be stopped.“
                (Great idea. How much stock does he have in that industry?)
        ”Terrorist organisations must be destroyed.“
                (Watch out, somebody might take you seriously.)
        ”Dr Rice has both the ability and the experience to meet these daunting challenges."
                (I’m at a loss for words on this one.)