Wednesday, February 24, 2010

BBC vs. Wikipedia
You can probably tell that I read the BBC headlines that come with Firefox. Batteries included. Punctuation at a slight extra cost. Actually what I'm trying to say is that if you want to teach how people NOT to use punctuation, look at the horrible example that BBC puts out many times a day. The English have some bad habits in that respect, and us Yanks have some of our own. That said, there is a place to find good puctuation: Wikipedia. I was doing the wiki dance somewhat early on, and I recall the community working out what would be the international standards for English on Wikipedia. Very good work.

Of course you can find bad work there too. And when you do, fix it!
Google vs. Italy
On the surface that would seem to be an even match, but Italy is sniping various of Google's individual people. The premise behind the case, boiled down to basics, seems to be that Italy thinks that when some thug spray-paints dirty words on a fence, the owner of the fence is responsible. Duh. That is so stupid!!
(ref BBC story "Google bosses convicted in Italy"
Adult News:
Apple has apparently assumed leadership of the Anti-Sex League. See BBC story iPhone developers angry as Apple purges adult apps (

The founders of this new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition, did not allow this kind of behavior (First Amendment and like that) but did not envision government by corporations (well, some of them did) (although they did have some apprehensions about terrorism by government).

Related stories:
Women to serve aboard submarines (

'Date-rape drugs' are on the rise (

Giant clam-eating shark unearthed in Kansas (

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wavy Gravy:
Google Wave.
Check it out:

The intro video has Lars whatsisname saying something like this is the first significant update to email since the beginning. Well, in one way, yes. In another way, introduction of the domain name system was a big boost, and given the size of the fishbowl at the time, I'd say it was close to revolutionary.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

To Zen or Not to Zen?
What is the point of one hand blogging?

I've just been reading an article in Tricycle about badly-behaving Buddhist bloggers and a few aphorisms come to mind:
• Don't just do something, sit there!
• If you have nothing to say, shut up.

The next thing that comes up is how I have had, or I think I have had, lots of things to say, huge amounts, but to whom? There's nobody home. We seem to think that's a virtue in some of our discussions. If the quarterback throws a great pass but there's nobody there to receive it, is that a good thing to a Buddhist?

Stream of Unconsciousness

I think I had something to say but I forgot what it was.