Friday, May 07, 2010

Roof Antenna
My Latest Invention

I don't mean an antenna that goes on the roof. The antenna IS the roof. There's a 14 KV power line down the side of the property (though you might have been taught that it's kV, not KV; my position is that the anomaly — of using a small letter k for kilo when the standard is otherwise universally that multipliers larger than 1 use capital letters and smaller than 1 use little ones — is not only stupid {as generally acknowledged} but also inappropriate and improper as continued practice) so I'm kinda goosey about putting up a normal and formal antenna. So I attached a wire to the middle of one edge of the metal roof and drove a ground rod below it, put a tuner between the 706 and the "antenna", and talked to a guy in Calgary a while ago. Cool.

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