Saturday, March 06, 2010

Cooking Vegiburgers
They go on chard usually, with caramelized* and/or carbonized** onions on top. I do the onions with safflower oil and a dash of allspice, and I don't have a rational explanation for the latter. It's about vibration cooking. (I once had a cookbook by that name, written by an outrageous lady named Verta Mae. "If you don't make a mess in the kitchen, you ain't makin' nothin' fit to eat!")
* my preference. ** wife's preference

Along with the whole thing we use mayonesa. That's the Mexican version of mayonnaise, made with lime juice instead of lemon. Waaay outshines the regular stuff. Best Foods / Hellman's has an orange top (and is made in Canada!); McCormick's has a red top. Check it out. Yum.

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