Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Make the Pie Higher!!
This time it's The Health Pie.

This morning one of my coworkers came in fuming about the "health" thing. For good reason, of course; it's a complete travesty. But you knew that. Trouble was, he was spouting F*x Noose and calling it "Socialist". And insisting that F*x tells it straight. Gak!! Why would anyone think this is butter? Anyway, it seems the F*x likes to call things they don't like "Socialist", having already decided that the word means something worse than death. Gimme a break!! You drive on public roads? That's socialism. You have or had kids in public school? That's socialism. You want help from the government when your unwisely-placed house washes away? Let's not get into that one.

This health plan is not socialism. It's Fascism, pure and simple. Of course F*x doesn't know what that word means either.

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