Monday, March 29, 2010

Virtual Speechwriter
(If I was O'Bama ... )

I realize the insurance companies gave me a lot of money, but that doesn't make them saints. Not even in my book. They contribute nothing to the health of the people. Nothing. All they do is take.

We have a lot of problems to solve here. For one, most of the money spent in health care is for heroic efforts to prolong the agony of people in their last six months of life. We need to put money into improving health at the beginning of life, and in the middle. Infant mortality is not a pretty picture for a Maternal mortality is up. Obesity is rampant.

Do we want health insurance, health care, or health? Health is what we want. Health care, though it's not perfect, is a way to facilitate health. Health insurance is a way to squander huge amounts of money on people in offices, hoping that some of it makes it out the back door to the health care providers. It's like pushing a rope.

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